Whistle Blower

As per AADONA top management the final ruling regarding standards relating to regular internal Audit, requires that AADONA COMMUNICATION provide a facility for the receipt, retention and treatment of complaints received regarding accounting, misconducts, ethical and integrity issues, internal accounting controls or auditing matters. Please feel free to contribute any comments through this interface regarding such accounting matters. Your message is encrypted and will be delivered directly to the CEO. Understanding and acting upon any issues that exist regarding financial, accounting and/or audit matters is an essential component to AADONA
COMMUNICATION’s ability to take action and ensure the highest levels of ethics, integrity and transparency to keep system clean. We love our customers, if you had seen any unethical practice or behaviour in AADONA by any of our team member or our partners related to our business feel free to drop us mail through below secure form or give us a direct call and speak to CEO during normal business hours. We are committed to keep things clean here.